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The Lighthouse

Leading the industry development

We should all be proud of where and what we are while we strive to improve even more.

We want to be a good company. What does this mean? For our clients, we want the best experience and for our employees we want attractive working conditions and development opportunities.
For our shareholders we want to stay relevant and deliver strong value creation over time. And as an essential part of society, we want to be a role model for ethical and sustainable behavior, with the highest level of integrity.

Thinking big is our responsibility

The private security industry and other connected industries are developing fast. We have been incredibly successful so far, but the recipe which brought us here is not going to be exactly the same as the recipe for success in the future.
We would never be where we are today if we hadn’t had leaders with the capability to set aspirational ambitions for themselves. Just like those leaders, it is our responsibility to think big and to set transformative goals. We need to constantly innovate and find smarter or even new ways of delivering value to our clients.
This is where our experience and ability to see things differently make a real difference. Our focus remains on safety and security, but the market never remains still and there are many things we can do to move higher up the value chain. For example, we can change our product mix, develop new higher-value services using advanced data insights, improve how we communicate with our clients, partner with adjacent businesses, explore new business models or challenge ourselves to become a leader in sustainability.

It's common to overestimate what we can do in three months, but underestimate what we can achieve in three years.

While we set our sights on an ambitious long-term goal, we also recognize that getting there takes work and perseverance. Often, it’s easier to underestimate what we can achieve in three years, but overestimate what we can do in three months.
Yet, if every day, we move step by step towards our chosen long-term goal, over time those steps add up and we look around to realize we’ve reached our goal.
Do you need to be a senior manager, who has the authority to set big business goals, to contribute? Not at all. Each and every one of us can contribute, regardless of our role or vision. Even very small improvements, if made every day, will make a big difference over time.
Step by step, we constantly try to do our jobs just a little bit better and find that together we become stronger.

Have you experienced achieving big goals in small increments?

We want to be at the forefront of the development of the safety and security industry.

A hand being scanned by a device.
We want to be at the forefront of the development of the safety and security industry. We don’t need to be the largest security company. What matters is the impact we have and trust we build as leaders within with the industry as a whole.
We fundamentally believe that a well-functioning safety and security industry benefits the greater society, and we believe that our colleagues deserve recognition for their work in that.
The stronger the reputation of the industry, the more credit our colleagues receive, in addition to positioning us to recruit and keep the best people.
Our unique position as industry leaders enables us to shape the future of the protective services market. It’s a large task and we must all follow not only rules and regulations but also our values and our ethical principles. Doing the right thing together increases our positive impact on society and gives us a competitive advantage.
We establish our leadership by embracing new technology, using data, and applying artificial intelligence responsibly to gain insights.
Just as the lighthouse reveals what lies hidden, we always look for new ways to bring value to our clients and colleagues and evolve how we work to make them reality. As a thought leader on safety and security, we freely share our ideas for the future of the industry publicly.

As the world continues to develop, we not only evolve with it, we help shape it.

Manhattan skyline
Since the foundation of Securitas, we have maintained a strong commitment to corporate and social responsibility, as well as business ethics.
On the one hand, rapid development gives us the opportunity to add more value to our services. On the other, it can present challenges involving ethics and working conditions, and as leaders, we need to steer the industry in the right direction.
We aim to not only ensure safe working conditions for our colleagues but stand as a role model for others as we continue to give equal opportunities and meaningful jobs to a diverse workforce.
We never compromise on our values and ethics. In our business, safety relies upon our compliance and the consequences can be grave if we remain silent in the face of violations.
We expect you to live and act by our values and ethics and to raise your voice and talk if you see someone who violates them. We always comply with regulations, and we adopt evolving and new regulations quickly, if needed. In addition, we only take on work where clients comply with local laws and regulations.
Finally, we actively work with regulators and policy makers to ensure regulations stay relevant and aligned with both people and technology developments.
As the world continues to develop, we not only evolve with it, but help shape it. We never stand still. We shine the light to reveal hidden opportunities and stand as a beacon to lead the way. This way, we contribute to a better society and help make your world a safer place.
A watch

Take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions:

What, in your view, is most important for Securitas to be successful also in the future?

In what way is Securitas leading the industry in your area?

What transformative goals could you set for yourself?

The Lighthouse

Now you know that we lead the industry development

Our ambition is to light the way and lead the development of our industry. We see things others miss and our experience has taught us we can make a difference. We set ourselves far-reaching transformative goals and move towards these step by step focusing on constant improvement. As the world continues to develop, we will not only evolve with it, but help shape it.
By always acting ethically and living our values, we inspire the entire industry to create better working conditions and stronger client relationships. We never stand still. By always moving forward and leading the way, we contribute to a better society and help make our world a safer place.